National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week provides an opportunity to acknowledge the commitment of our volunteers who tirelessly dedicate themselves to saving lives and protecting homes, even amidst unprecedented challenges.

You are essential to Western Australia's emergency services across the State. In remote and regional areas, you are often the first to arrive on the scene, offering vital support and assistance to people in their time of need.

Throughout the past year, Western Australia has experienced numerous significant emergency events and you have consistently risen to the challenges, demonstrating resilience and bravery in the face of adversity.

While many of you may see yourselves as ordinary citizens, National Volunteer Week gives us a chance to show our gratitude for your extraordinary contribution to help keep communities safe.

For your dedication, hard work, and commitment, we would like to say simply...

Thank you.

Your Local DFES Team have a special message for you. Watch the video for your region below.

Thank you for your service

DFES Strategic Volunteer and Youth Programs Team

Goldfields Midlands Region

Acting Superintendent John Saffrey

Great Southern Region

Acting Superintendent Steve Peterson

Kimberley Region

Superintendent Leon Gardiner

Metropolitan North East Region

Acting Superintendent Leigh Bishop

Metropolitan South Coastal Region

Superintendent Ray Buchan

Metropolitan South East Region

Superintendent Alan Crossman

Midwest Gascoyne Region

Acting Superintendent Kieran Mussen

Pilbara Region

Acting Superintendent Shannon Brophy

South West Region

Superintendent Andy Wright

Upper Great Southern Region

Acting Superintendent Diarmuid Kinsella